Application of the Regulation respecting refresher training periods

Because of the current situation, all applications for admission and re-registration must be sent to us by Email. We ask you to scan the required documents. 

If the Order concludes that the member’s level of competence is insufficient to ensure the protection of the public, it may impose a refresher training period on a social worker or a marriage and family therapist who:

  • Registers on the membership roll of the Order more than 5 years after obtaining the degree allowing access to the Order, or
  • Has re-registered for the membership roll of the Order after an absence of more than 5 years.

If you are in either of these situations when you submit your application for admission or re-registration, the Regulation respecting refresher training periods for members of the Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec applies to you (C-26, r. 296).

Review of the candidate’s application

Imposition of refresher training is not automatic. A review of the file, conducted after the receipt of all required documents and payments, allows the Order to evaluate the candidate’s professional experience.

We can review such applications at any time once we have received all payments and documents required to complete your file.

Please note that if we conclude that your work experience over the last 5 years does not constitute the practice of the profession, your file will be submitted to the next meeting of the Admissions and Equivalences Committee. The Committee may recommend that the Executive Committee impose a refresher training period that can include a practical experience and courses offered by the Order. The issue of your permit and registration on the membership role cannot occur before the imposition of refresher training by the Executive Committee pursuant to the Regulation respecting refresher training of members of the OTSTCFQ  (in French only).

However, if a review of your file allows the Order to determine that your professional activities constituted the practice of the social work or the marriage and family therapy profession during the last 5 years, the Admissions Service will recommend the issue of a permit and registration on the membership roll of the Order. This can occur quickly without any additional requirements.

Work experience

If your work experience over the last 5 years does not demonstrate 800 hours of professional activities constituting the practice of the social work or the marriage and family therapy profession, the Admissions Service will recommend imposing a period of refresher training. You will then be notified of this by registered mail.

Once you have received this recommendation to impose refresher training, you can, if you consider it relevant, be heard according to the following steps:

  1. Submit supplementary information in writing, OR
  2. Be heard by the Admissions and Equivalences Committee.

If the Admissions and Equivalences Committee maintains the recommendation to impose refresher training, you also have the right to be heard by the Executive Committee. This Committee meets about 6 times per year. You can expect a delay of up to 12 weeks for the processing of your application starting from the date when we receive all required documents and payments.

If the Executive Committee imposes a refresher training period upon admission, you are required to comply with that decision.

If your name is withdrawn from the Membership roll of the Order (for non-renewal, non-payment, etc.) before the refresher training period has been completed, it remains enforceable upon application for re-registration.

Moreover, the Order could impose new conditions, in case of legislative or regulatory amendments.

Please note that any hours of professional practice performed between being struck from the roll and re-registration cannot in any case be recognized by the Order.

Be sure to attach:

  1. An up-to-date curriculum vitae, AND
  2. An attestation from your employer.

This attestation must stipulate the following information:

  • Your job title
  • A detailed description of your professional responsibilities and tasks
  • The classification of working hours (full-time, part-time or contract position, specifying in the last cases the number of hours per week)
  • The number of hours of practice over the last 5 years
  • The date of hiring and date on which you stopped working, if applicable.

The employer must exclude extended periods not worked, such as maternity leave, sick leave or leave without pay, from the number of hours of work.

An attestation must be provided for each position held during these last 5 years.

Generally, the imposition of refresher training includes:

  • A period of practical training so that you can update your professional competencies for the development of a social service or a marriage and family therapy intervention, based on the main stages of the intervention process, as laid out in the Référentiel d’activité professionnelle lié à l’exercice de la profession de travailleuse sociale ou travailleur social au Québec [Toolkit on the professional activity for the practice of the social work profession in Québec] (PDF, 93 pages 1.79 MB) and the Référentiel d’activité professionnelle lié à l’exercice de la profession de thérapeute conjugale et familiale ou thérapeute conjugal et familial au Québec [Toolkit on the professional activity for the practice of marriage and family therapy profession in Québec], in a setting in which you can practice the professional activities of a social worker or a marriage and family therapist under the supervision of a member of the Order with a social worker or a marriage and family therapy permit.
  • Participation in courses offered as part of the continuing education program of the Order, notably Rédaction de dossiers : normes et guide de pratique pour les T.S. et les T.C.F., Lois, règlements et normes : balises pour soutenir l’intervention des T.S. et T.C.F. and, for social workers, a third course entitled Évaluation du fonctionnement social. If you wish to learn more about the content of these courses or to find out the dates of the next sessions, we invite you to consult our Catalogue d’activités de formation.

** Please take note that if the executive committee recommends a refresher training imposition, a social worker license will be delivered to you. Thus, it is possible to complete the training hours in a paid employment.

Time allowed to complete refresher training

The imposition of refresher training must be completed within twelve (12) months from the date the executive committee’s decision has taken effect.

If you have an imposition of practical training, your training project must be approved by the Order before starting it.


  • The supervisor of your training must be a social worker or a marriage and family therapist member of the Order.
  • The number of hours of supervision must correspond to at least 10% of the number of hours of practice required as part of the refresher training.
  • Training cannot extend over a period of more than 12 consecutive months. The practical training can be done full-time or part-time, as part of a paid position or volunteer activities.
  • The social worker or the marriage and family therapist who must complete the refresher training (‘trainee social worker’ and ‘trainee marriage and family therapist’) and the social worker or the marriage and family therapy supervisor must first carefully read the Guide d’évaluation visant un stage de validation des compétences ou un stage de formation [Guide for evaluating an internship for validating competences or a training project] (only for social worker at the moment) and the Référentiel d’activité professionnelle lié à l’exercice de la profession de travailleuse sociale ou travailleur social au Québec and the Référentiel d’activité professionnelle lié à l’exercice de la profession de thérapeute conjugale et familiale ou thérapeute conjugal et familial au Québec.

Professional inspection

Although the regulation does not provide for this measure, the Order may, in the 12 months following the end of the practical training, inspect the practice of the member within the framework of the Order’s professional inspection program.

On two occasions, mid-way and at the end of the practical training period, the supervisor meets the trainee social worker or trainee marriage and family therapist and then transmits the result of the assessment, made in accordance with the Guide d’évaluation visant un stage de validation des compétences ou un stage de formation (only for trainee social worker at the moment), to the Admissions Service of the Order. For mid-training, the formative assessment will be submitted to the Admissions Service for approval in order to validate whether objectives and procedures are being respected.

At the end of the training, the summative assessment will be sent to the Executive Committee to confirm the end of the practical training.

Once all requirements have been respected, including the practical and theoretical training, the file will be submitted to the Executive Committee to ratify the success of the refresher training.

To find out more
